The Haunting of Presidio Chapel

Presidio Chapel – Monterey County, Monterey, California

Photograph © Alex Vassar & Shane Meyers

The historic Presidio Chapel, also known as the San Carlos Cathedral, stands as a timeless testament to its construction in the year 1770, proudly serving its religious community for more than two centuries. As the pages of time turn, numerous accounts have surfaced, adding a layer of intrigue to this venerable structure.

Among the tales woven into the fabric of the Presidio Chapel's long history is the haunting apparition of a priest. Witnesses have attested to glimpses of this ethereal figure, further contributing to the mystique that surrounds the chapel. Intriguingly, there have been reports of a seemingly supernatural candle meandering up and down the aisles and gracefully hovering in front of the altar, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.

Adding to the mystifying ambiance, there are instances where the chapel bells chime unexpectedly in the silence of the night, their resonance echoing through the ages. What makes these occurrences particularly perplexing is the claim that no living priest is responsible for their tolling during those mysterious nocturnal hours.

Venturing beyond the chapel walls, the adjacent old rectory building harbors its own share of enigmatic events. One woman recounts an uncanny experience where she sensed an unseen presence gently placing a hand on her shoulder within the confines of the rectory. Such personal encounters lend an air of intimacy to the otherwise stoic structure.

Further tales emerge from the church employees themselves, recounting peculiar incidents that transpire within the sacred grounds. One diligent worker, toiling away during the late hours, found himself plunged into darkness as his desk light inexplicably extinguished. Undeterred, he hastily reignited the illumination, only to witness its abrupt demise once again, casting shadows that dance in tandem with the chapel's enigmatic history.

The spectrum of strange occurrences widens as the echoes of bodiless footsteps reverberate through the hallowed halls, rocking chairs sway autonomously, and staircases emit creaks as if carrying the invisible weight of unseen pilgrims. Curtains, untouched by any earthly breeze, flutter mysteriously, and peculiar rattling sounds permeate the air, leaving those who bear witness to these phenomena with a sense of both awe and trepidation.

In essence, the Presidio Chapel, with its rich history and spectral tales, invites all who cross its threshold to ponder the mysterious and unexplained, transcending time as it continues to stand as a silent witness to the passage of centuries.

550 Church Street
Monterey, California