The Haunting of White Cemetery

White Cemetery – Lake County, Barrington, Illinois

Established in the early 1800s, the White Cemetery has become a focal point for paranormal reports over the years, attracting both visitors and graveyard workers alike.

Witnesses frequently describe encountering glowing orbs or balls of light meandering through the graveyard. In some instances, these ethereal orbs traverse the fence, drifting across the road or even finding their way into nearby homes. Hazy, misty apparitions have also been reported, often seen among the tombstones or near trees after nightfall.

One notable specter is that of an elderly woman, with many motorists recounting incidents where she seemingly flags them down for assistance before vanishing into thin air before their very eyes.

Adding to the eerie ambiance is the apparition of a deceased gangster, occasionally appearing in the rearview mirrors of passing vehicles. However, when drivers turn to get a better look, the mysterious figure is nowhere to be found.

Two particularly intriguing reports set this haunted cemetery apart. Some witnesses claim to have seen a black phantom car, while others report glimpsing a house that had burned down many years ago. Both of these phantom entities, once observed, inexplicably vanish within seconds, leaving an air of mystery lingering over the White Cemetery.

Cuba Road
Barrington, Illinois 60010