The Haunting of the Bowman Estate & Mausoleum

The Bowman Estate - Rutland County, Cuttingsville, Vermont

Photograph ©

In the early to mid-eighteenth century, the Bowman home emerged as the residence of the affluent farmer, John Bowman, who, alongside his wife and children, enjoyed a life filled with happiness and prosperity. However, tragedy cast its somber shadow over the Bowman family, transforming Mr. Bowman into a widower and bereft of children. The precise circumstances surrounding the untimely demise of Mrs. Bowman and her offspring remain shrouded in mystery, with the specter of diseases prevalent in that century looming as a plausible cause.

In response to the heart-wrenching loss, Mr. Bowman commissioned the construction of a mausoleum just across the road from his once joyful abode. Adding a striking and somewhat enigmatic touch to the scene, he engaged the talents of 125 sculptors to craft a statue in his likeness. This life-sized effigy stands outside the mausoleum, depicting Mr. Bowman on bended knee, clasping a wreath and a key in an intriguing portrayal.

The ethereal realm intertwines with the mortal at the Bowman home, as sightings of a ghostly woman, believed to be the departed Mrs. Bowman, have been recounted throughout the premises. One particularly chilling incident involves this spectral figure supposedly admonishing a child from a tour group. The child, mischievously sticking out her tongue at a portrait on the wall, found herself on the receiving end of an unexpected blow when the very same portrait dislodged itself and struck her in the head, witnessed by a perplexed crowd.

Yet another eerie occurrence lingers at the top of the staircase, where a palpable sense of foreboding has been reported. Speculation surrounds a mysterious stain in the vicinity, rumored to be a bloodstain, hinting at a potential connection to one of the tragic deaths within the house.

Transformed into a museum in the present day, the Bowman home remains a repository of historical intrigue and paranormal phenomena. Testaments of ghostly encounters continue to flood in, prompting a strict prohibition against the presence of living individuals on the grounds after nightfall. The haunting legacy of the Bowman home persists, weaving together the threads of history, tragedy, and the inexplicable into a tapestry of supernatural lore.
Highway 103
Cuttingsville, Vermont 05738