The Haunting of the Myrtles Plantation

The Myrtles Plantation – West Feliciana County, St. Francisville, Louisiana

Photograph ©Stephen Wagner

Dating back to 1796, the plantation house, originally erected by General Bradford, harbors a dark history marked by at least ten recorded murders on its grounds and within its walls, offering a plausible explanation for the pervasive paranormal activity that lingers.

Among the restless spirits haunting the plantation, none claim more fame and activity than Chloe. Serving as the governess to the Woodruff children in the early 1800s, Chloe harbored a secret affair with Judge Woodruff, the son-in-law of General Bradford. The tale unfolds with Judge Woodruff ending the affair abruptly, leading to a gruesome incident where he severed Chloe's ear after catching her eavesdropping on a meeting. Seeking revenge, Chloe poisoned a cake presented at the Judge's daughter's birthday, resulting in the deaths of Mrs. Woodruff and two children. Chloe met her end hanging from a tree near the slave quarters.

Chloe's apparition has been glimpsed traversing the space between the main house and the slave quarters, with a tourist capturing a photo resembling a female slave in that area. Reports also recount Chloe awakening a former owner during the night, shaking her with apparent disappointment. Described as a lean woman in a flowing dress with a green turban, Chloe's spectral presence is vividly etched in the haunted lore.

Additionally, two apparitions of little girls, believed to be the poisoned daughters of Judge Woodruff, have been sighted around the house. These spectral siblings peer through windows, appear at the foot of beds, and engage in play on the porches. Guests have reported an unseen force jumping on beds, followed by the apparition of a maid straightening the bedcovers.

Mr. William Winter, husband of Sarah Sterling, who resided at the plantation from 1860 to 1871, met a tragic end when shot in the chest as he exited the front door. His apparition is said to manifest on the staircase, producing slow and agonizing phantom footsteps accompanied by thumps and bangs as he ascends.

Additional ghostly sightings include a Confederate soldier crossing the front veranda, a male apparition warning visitors not to enter the house, a voodoo priestess performing a healing ritual, a ballet dancer appearing in a tutu, and numerous apparitions of slaves engaged in daily chores. Notably, a young woman of Indian descent has been observed lounging naked in the backyard gazebo, adding to the eclectic array of spectral encounters at the Myrtles Plantation.

7747 US Highway 61
St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775
(225) 635-6277

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