The Haunting of the Crown Point Sheriff's House

The Crown Point Sheriff's House – Lake County, Crown Point, Indiana

Photograph ©Crown Point.Net

I think the picture says a lot; from the building’s Second Empire architecture to the old eerie tree on the right, it just has that creepy and sinister look to it.

Constructed in the year 1882, the historic building served as the residence for elected sheriffs until the year 1958. A significant addition in the form of a two-story jail was made to the rear of the structure in 1926, aptly named the Lake County Jail.

One of the most notable incidents associated with this jail involved the infamous John Dillinger. On March 3rd, 1934, Dillinger orchestrated a legendary escape from what was considered an "escape-proof" jail in Crown Point. In a remarkable feat, he utilized a wooden gun cleverly coated in black shoe polish.

While Dillinger's criminal escapades continued, a notable interruption occurred on November 27, 1934, when authorities finally caught up with him. A fierce gun battle ensued between the Dillinger Gang and the police, resulting in all gang members managing to escape. During this confrontation, "Baby Face" Nelson sustained gunshot wounds that ultimately led to his demise. Despite being shot seventeen times, Nelson miraculously escaped but succumbed to his injuries shortly thereafter. In a display of loyalty, the Dillinger Gang left Nelson's body near a Cemetery in Skokie.

The pursuit of John Dillinger resumed on July 22, 1934, when FBI agents, armed with information from Dillinger's girlfriend, located him. The FBI, under the impression that Dillinger was to be shot on sight, fired three shots at him from behind. Dillinger met his end in front of the Biograph Theater, where he had just attended a film with his girlfriend.

The notoriety of the "escape-proof" Lake County Jail persisted, and today, the Crown Point Chamber of Commerce organizes tours of the old Sheriff's house, allowing visitors to delve into its rich history.

Beyond the historical tales, the building is believed to house lingering spirits. In the jail section, eerie phenomena have been reported, including the inexplicable opening and closing of cell doors. Witnesses have also attested to the rattling of bars in these cells when no living being is present. Adding to the mystique, phantom footsteps echo through the corridors, electrical appliances and lights exhibit spontaneous activation, and numerous individuals claim to have heard voices emanating from empty cells. The legacy of the Lake County Jail thus transcends its historical significance, captivating the imagination with tales of both daring escapes and supernatural occurrences.
226 South Main Street
Crown Point, Indiana 46307